"Your WhatsApp account can only be verified with one number on one device. If you have a dual SIM phone, please note that you still must choose one number to verify with WhatsApp. There is no option to have a WhatsApp account with two phone numbers.
If you attempt to frequently switch your WhatsApp account between different devices, at a certain point, you may be blocked from re-verifying your account. Please do not repeatedly switch between different devices and numbers."
In traducere libera, fiecarui cont ii este asociat un singur numar de telefon si dispozitiv. Daca schimbi des numarul de telefon de pe contul respectiv cu un alt numar, risti sa ti se blocheze temporar contul Whatsapp, pentru verificare autenticitate cont.
Un cont are nevoie doar de 1 nr de telefon nu de 2. Daca vrei sa folosesti whats'ap de pe 2 dispozitive gen tableta si tel cu acelasi numar, nu o sa iti mearga