| backback a întrebat:

Data execution prevention Microsoft windows to help protect your computer, windows has closed this program.
Name:generic host proces for win32 service
Publisher:Microsoft corporation
Cum scap de chestia aceasta? imi apare de fiecare data cand pornesc pc-ul

2 răspunsuri:
| horia2012 a răspuns:

"generic host proces for win32 service"
este un serviciu important al sistemului de operare.
Probabil de la virusi sau mallware.
Reinstaleaza sistemul.

| backback explică (pentru horia2012):

Abia l-am reinstalat

| horia2012 a răspuns (pentru backback):

Ce sistem ai Xp SP2 sau SP3?
Daca ai SP2, trebuie sa pui SP3.
SP3 se poate instala si separat.

| shannygelu a răspuns:

1.Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.
2.Click the Advanced tab, click Performance, and then click Settings.
3.In Performance Options, click the Data Execution Prevention tab, and then click Add.
4.In the Open dialog box, locate and then click the program.
5.Click Open, click Apply, and then click OK. When you are prompted to restart your computer, click OK.