Ai un celeron amarat blocat, ce overclock sa ii faci? Nu ai ce sa scoti din el. Atat poate.
Eu vreau sa fac de genu si la alt laptop o fi celerom dar curios cum de are la speed 2.47 in loc de 1.80
"Burst Frequency: 2.48 GHz"
"Burst frequency is the maximum single core frequency at which the processor is capable of operating."
"In fact the idea is pretty much the same, however Intel(R) Burst technology basically is to provide on-demand, higher performance for very short intervals of time in small device form factors, while Intel® Turbo Boost Technology allows processor cores to run faster than the base operating frequency if they're operating below power, current, and temperature specification limits on desktop and mobile platforms."
In cazul concret prezentat de tine, procesorul poate urca in momentele critice pana la maxim 2. 48ghz, ti-a aratat Impersonal linkul paginii oficiale.
Daca tu doresti pentru alt procesor, trebuie sa spui modelul, sau sa te uiti pe pagina oficiala daca are si frecventa de boost, sau doar cea de baza.
Probabil ca CPU-ul are are "turbo boost" sau ceva similar.
Asta ridica frecventa cand are nevoie si cand stie el ca se poate.
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