| PupicelT a întrebat:

Doar ce mi-am luat laptopul de la reparat, dupa ce am varsat ceai in zona touchpadului si putin pe tastatura. Si am observat ca am tema schimbata...adica nu stiu, dar apare altfel. si ora si data e schimbata. si nu ma lasa sa intru pe facebook. imi apare SSL error The server's security certificate is not yet valid!
You attempted to reach www.google.com, but the server presented a certificate that is not yet valid. No information is available to indicate whether that certificate can be trusted. Google Chrome cannot reliably guarantee that you are communicating with www.google.com and not an attacker. You should ensure that your clock and time zone are set correctly on your computer. If they are not, you should correct any issues and refresh this page. If they are correct, you should not proceed.

Pe Pc merge...si alte pagini pot deschide. Deci trebuie sa fie ceva de la facebook. Ce ii fac?

Răspuns Câştigător
| neluL a răspuns:

Regleaza data si ora la pc pentru ca sunt in urma! da un restart si intra pe facebook.

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