Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Visio, Word
1.Click the File tab.
2.Click Save & Send.
3. Under File Types, select the earlier file format that you want to save the file in.
4.If you want to rename the file, type a new name for the file in the File name box.
5.Click Save.
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Deschide fisierul, il selectezi pe tot si apoi dai Save as si de la Save as Type selectezi Word 97-2003 Document si dai Save.
Nu-i nevoie sa downloadezi word 2003
varianta 2003 salveaza in.doc iar 2010 in. docx, dai pe save as si o salvezi ca word 97-2003 doc
Save as ->.doc. Trebuie sa-i schimbi formatul. Il va deschide in 2003. Formatul de la 2007 in sus este. docx, format nesuportat de variantele mai vechi.