„The successor of Canon EOS 600D was the Canon EOS 650D, equipped with a newly-developed Hybrid CMOS sensor that enabled full-time AF during video and live view mode, and had a multi-touch vari-angle display for one touch shooting. The DIGIC V image processor gave 5 fps of continuous shooting speed and enabled the capture of HDR images with just one click of the shutter button. The Canon 650D also came with a multi-frame NR mode and Handheld Night Scene mode. DPReview praised its innovative touch screen".
Așadar, pe scurt, în română:
- senzor de imagine mai nou, ce permite AF continuu în modurile live view și video;
- display touch multipoint;
- procesor de imagine DIGIC-V îmbunătățit;
- câteva moduri noi de fotografiere.
Aș alege însă un Nikon, D5200 sau 3300.