I have just installed the latest Yahoo Messenger (version 9) on a new Windows 7 (x64) platform, and I can't get my webcam to work. All I get when I try >-- Messenger >-- My webcam is a black screen. My webcam seems to be correctly connected and installed on my PC with the latest drivers ("The device is working"). And I can use my webcam with other applications, like Skype, on Windows 7, with no problems.
By the way, I can see the video image from the webcams of my YM contacts when I am in a video conversation with them. So, no problem the other way.
I have already searched the Net, and I found several other YM users reporting the same problem when they try to use their webcam with YM on Windows 7, but I could not find any solution.
Is there a well known problem related to the use of a webcam with YM on Windows 7?
Could somebody kindly help me?
3 years ago Report Abuse
Additional Details
Hi Mercedes,
Many thanks for your answer. I realize that, in my question, I forgot to specify that I use a desktop PC with a USB webcam.
I did what you suggested, but it did not change anything. I also tried to un-install and then re-install the YM application, but the problem is still here.
Any suggestion?
3 years ago
Hi Daddybear,
Thank you for your answer.
I did all tests on YM after restarting my computer, and then unplugging / plugging the USB webcam, and with no other application running in parallel, to make sure that the webcam is not used by anything else.
I have gone through all the camera settings in YH, but still cannot make it work: when I go to >-- Messenger >-- My webcam, all I get is the black box in the window that opens (not my smiling face at the moment...). As for the Camera Source, I have only one option in the drop box : "USB Video Device", so there should be no redundancy here.
In addition, when I test the webcam in YM >(-- Messenger >-- Preferences >--Video & Voice Devices >-- Open Video and Voice Setup), at the Camera Detection stage (Steo 3 of 3), I get the error message: " We cannot access your camera...", which suggests that YM does not detect my camera.
3 years ago
I have also tried to un-install / re-install the webcam (by the way, Windows 7 re-installs it automatically). But still no chance.
What else can I do?
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