La ce foloseste si hi5-ul. iOrbix e un site de socializare asemanator hi5-ului (da' cica mai fain decat hi5-ul).
Pare sa fie o retea de socializare (ce de genul "haifaif5" sau "faisbuc")
Mi-e lene sa traduc chiar acum:
iOrbix is a Social Network where you can find friends and express yourself with them in many fun ways.
You can share videos, chat on forums, rate members, send compliments, gifts and much more!
Andrew Davis and Nuno Peralta are the Founders of iOrbix. The iOrbix staff members are always eager to listen to the needs and concerns of the iOrbix users and they work hard daily to make sure that iOrbix is as safe and secure as possible for everyone.
New features are being developed and will soon be released to public.
We are growing with the help of all our users, especially our Collaborators, that help us reporting bugs and suggesting features.
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