Salut trebuie sa scriu in limba engleza, daca pun vreo adresa se va sterge.
Double Gate System Learn: This must be completed when first installing the control
board so the computer can understand the parameters of the new installation.
1. Check you have SW2 Set DIP switch 8 to ON
2. Press the SYS-learn button which is next to the RF-learn button in the top left
corner. Hold it in for 5 seconds. It will start flashing once every second now.
3. Press the remote top left corner button. The rams will now start to move one
at a time (This can take up to 20 seconds to start activating). The rams will
move in one of the following orders:
Dual-Gates: Gate 2 closes, gate 1 closes, gate 1 opens, gate 2 opens, gate 2
closes, and gate 1 closes. You will hear the relays clicking. This is normal. It
DOES NOT matter if the gates are open, closed or half way when installing the
automation. The system will automatically work out the size of the swing. It will
open and close each side individually 3 times before it has finished installing the
system. This is normal.
4. After the systems learn has finished, LED no.1 should be revert back to
flashing in bursts. You have successfully set up your gate opener kit and is
now ready for testing.
Pentru probleme :
Gates not fully opening or closing:
-Ensure there is nothing obstructing the gate
or the rams.
- If the gate is a bigger or heavier gate
change the power settings using the
dipswitches (1st set of dip switches). You
should not have to use the maximum power
setting. This is intended for a 500kg double
swing gate (or 250kg single).
- Re-do the systems learn
One gate opens part of
the way/not at all:
-Make sure you are pressing the top left
hand button. The other buttons do have
their individual functions.
- Dip Switch 7 setting has been set correctly.
- Both rams are wired onto the control board
correctly. They should identical. I.E. black,
red. Black, red
Si totusi verifica :
-daca poarta este dreapta in boloboc,
-asculta mecanismul daca scoate sunete defectuase.
-verifica profilul ramelor de la porti sa nu fie indoite,
-dai cu sprei WD 40 la balamalele portilor pentru un mecanism bun.(nu la kitt porti).
- o singura poarta sa aiba greutatea maxima de 250kg.