| Wassup a întrebat:

HELP.Cand pornesc calculatorul de cele mai multe ori imi apare o eroare.~this system is shutting down.Please save all work in progress and log off.Any unsaved changes will be lost this shutdown was initiated by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM~.
~Windows must now restart because the DCOM Server Process Launcher service terminated unexpectedly~. Plzz dau cea mai mare Funda

Răspuns Câştigător
| telecomputer a răspuns:

Instaleaza "avg anti rootkit" si scaneaza dupa rootkit

2 răspunsuri:
| Wassup explică:

Ms.Acum eroarea nu mai apare atat de des dar inca apare. plzz mai ai ceva?

| telecomputer a răspuns:

Mai scaneaza tot asa...