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Olympic Torch is a computer virus hoax sent out by e-mail. The hoax e-mails first appeared in February 2006. The "virus" referred to by the e-mail does not actually exist. The only effect is that the warning email itself is widely circulated as a chain letter. The hoax e-mail warns recipients of a recent outbreak of Olympic Torch viruses, contained in e-mails titled "Invitation", which erase the hard disk of the user's computer when opened. The hoax email further purports the virus to be acknowledged by such reputable sources as CNN, McAfee, Microsoft and now Facebook as one of the most dangerous viruses yet reported. In reality, the Olympic Torch virus is non-existent, and generally has not been reported by the organizations quoted. A similar version of this hoax is the Postcard Image virus hoax which refers to another non existent virus known as POSTCARD. The Postcard variation has been in circulation at least since 2008.
Sfat: Reinstaleaza windows-ul!
Prostovane, mai du-te pe la scoala! Tu nu vezi ca nu poti sa legi doua cuvinte.
citeste atent ce scrie aici amice...
Ce ti se pare anormal? Din pacate el nu stie sa se exprime, a gasit mai degraba 154 de fisiere, dar asta e problema de semantica. Eu de exemplu am gasit pe un calculator nu mai putin de 22 de troieni si virusi(desi e cam pleonasm, ca sunt cam acelasi drac) diferiti, deci atentie DIFERITI. Nu vrei sa stii cate fisiere, executabile, dll-uri si alte chestii erau infectate. Peste 1600. Deci nu e de ras. Ca sa nu mai spun ca acel calculator avea vestitul NOD 32 pe el.
Nu trebuie stersi, antivirusul ii blocheaza in carantina.cel mai probabil olympic virus ala, l-ai luat cand ai download-at superantispyware..de care nici nu am auzit.De ce nu ai un antivirus normal?