Merci, uitasem sa ma uit si mai "adanc" la procese!
Aici imi apare un anume proces LMS.exe. El este cauza, dar tot nu-mi dau seama cum de consuma atata resurse... Nu am mai avut aceasta problema... Acum l-am oprit, dar trebuie sa rezolv cauza sa nu mai "manance" atat de mult din procesor! Daca ai vreo idee lasa-ma sa stiu!
LMS.exe file information
The process known as Local Manageability Service or Intel® Local Management Service belongs to software Intel® Active Management Technology Local Manageability Service or Intel® Management and Security Application Local Management Service or Intel® Management & Security Application Local Manageability Service or Intel® Con. Management Engine Local Manageability Service by Intel (
Description: LMS.exe is not essential for Windows and will often cause problems. LMS.exe is located in a subfolder of "C:\Program Files". Known file sizes on Windows 8/7/XP are 262, 144 bytes (21% of all occurrences), 268, 824 bytes and 31 more variants.
The program is not visible. It is not a Windows core file. The file has a digital signature. It is a Verisign signed file. LMS.exe is able to hide itself. Therefore the technical security rating is 34% dangerous, however you should also read the user reviews.
You have the option to uninstall Intel(R) Management Engine Components or Intel(R) Management Engine software via Windows Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs (Windows XP) or Programs and Features (Windows 8/7/Vista).
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