| taliban a întrebat:

Aseara am aflat de app pentru Iphone care iti poate localiza telefonul daca l ai pierdut.Toate bune si frumoase pana am descoperit optiunea "remote wipe" pe care am activat o din greseala. am primit acest mail'Dear MobileMe member,

The remote wipe of saber’s iPhone requested at 8:52 PM on April 27, 2011 began at 8:52 PM on April 27, 2011.

All media, data, and settings are being permanently erased from saber’s iPhone. This process may take up to two hours, depending on your device. Please note this process cannot be cancelled.
If you retrieve your device after completing a remote wipe, you can connect it to your computer and use iTunes to restore it to a previous backup. If you were previously syncing with MobileMe, you can re-enter your MobileMe settings on your device to immediately restore email, contacts, calendars, and bookmarks. " L am lasat toata noaptea sa se stearga tot de pe el si nici pana acum nu porneste! Ce sa fac?

5 răspunsuri:
| Șosețică a răspuns:

Scoate tot din el... baterie numar, tot!
Apoi punele la loc...
Daca nu v'a merge nici asa du-te la un vondafone, Orange sau cosmote...
De fapt du-te unde esti tu abonata cu numarul, e cel mai bine asa... happy

Mult noroc!

| HaDeS_9190 a răspuns:

Arunca-l pe geam big grin

| taliban explică:

Alte variante?laughing

| alexandraaaaa_8423 a răspuns:

Il duci la service big grin