Pai eu ti-as recomanda jocurile mele: Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty:Black Ops, Modern Warfare 2 si cam atat
Medal of honor 2010, call of duty 5 world of war, marine shother 4, fuel of war...
Sezzyo m-am grabit no ma ma-i incurc. ai jocu call of duty 6 modern warfare 2 el am i super!
Far Cry 1, 2 si 3
Call of duty Black ops 1 si Black ops 2
Battlefield Bad company 2 si Battlefield 3
Daca vrei ceva cu Zombie incearca
The Walking Dead, Left 4 Dead, Dead Island
Si daca vrei si cu masini
Need for speed toata seria
Dirt showdown si restul seriei
Flat Out
Si la shooter
Borderlands 1 si 2
Wolfenstein 2
si atat sper ca te-am ajutat
Call of duty modern warfare 3 e cel mai bun, e foarte jucat, nu o avea grafica precum black ops2 dar e mult mai "jucabil"
Eu ti-l recomand!
Pai mai sunt 2 jocuri care mai captat battlefield 3 si Call of duty:modern warfare 3
-Medal of honer
-ghost recon future solider
Mah,e call of duty world AT war!
Da are dreptate
Medal of honor 2010
Call of duty modern warfare
Call of duty modern warfare 2
Eu as recomanda:medal of honor, call of duty, fuel of war, batlle field bad company 2.incearca-le