1. Habarnam.
2. Defineste sigur. Toeretic stocheaza date si le vinde ca il poti folosi gratis.
3. Progamele de gen is naspa. Fa o defragmentare ca un om normal, si sterge manual folderul cu temp. Bingo, ai curatat SSD-UL.
It’s also somewhat of a misconception that fragmentation is not a problem on SSDs. If an SSD gets too fragmented you can hit maximum file fragmentation (when the metadata can’t represent any more file fragments) which will result in errors when you try to write/extend a file. Furthermore, more file fragments means more metadata to process while reading/writing a file, which can lead to slower performance.
Asta bro
Si asta bro
What happens if you defrag an SSD?
Because of the way SSDs work, not only does data not become fragmented, but running a defragmentation utility will actually burn through the program/erase cycles and potentially cause premature 'death' of your SSDs.
Should you defragment an SSD?
With a solid state drive however, it is recommended that you should not defragment the drive as it can cause unnecessary wear and tear which will reduce its life span. Nevertheless, because of the efficient way in which SSD technology functions, defragmentation to improve performance is not actually required.
Ia de vezi de ce nu mai e pe Play. Ar trebui sa-ti raspunda la toate 3 intrebarile - daca nu ti-e clar, NU instala/folosi porcaria aia de program (si in general nici un program care iti promite ca iti face curatenie).
Pai toata lumea foloseste ccleaner sau majoritatea oamenilor folosesc Advanced SystemCare alea nu sunt de incredere?
Nu folosesc asa ceva. Nu stiu daca sunt de incredere, eu le consider intotdeuna ca nu sunt.