Poate merge ca aici:
varianta cu "command-line prompt with admin privileges":
Detailed explanation and solution at http://www.davidmoore.info/......er-errors/
If that link breaks or you just want a quick and dirty answer:
From a command-line prompt with admin privileges run these commands:
regsvr32 "%SystemRoot%\System32\actxprxy.dll"
regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll"
Then reboot your computer
A fost modificata setarea "Browse folders" din "Folder Options" si anume e bifata optiunea "Open each folder in its own window" si de aceea se deschide fiecare dosar(folder) in fereastra noua.
Intr-o fereastra "Explorer" oarecare cum sunt cele din clipul de pe Youtube se da click pe "Organize" apoi pe "Folder and search options" si in tabul "General" se bifeaza "Open each folder in the same window" sau se apasa butonul "Restore Defaults" care va face acelasi lucru, va selecta optiunea "Open each folder in the same window", apoi se da OK.
Am facut cum mi-ai spus dar nu s-a rezolvat problema
Poate merge ca aici:
varianta cu "command-line prompt with admin privileges":
Detailed explanation and solution at http://www.davidmoore.info/......er-errors/
If that link breaks or you just want a quick and dirty answer:
From a command-line prompt with admin privileges run these commands:
regsvr32 "%SystemRoot%\System32\actxprxy.dll"
regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll"
Then reboot your computer