| Rulz_RobotzEl_1990 a întrebat:

Am o problema de 5 minute, cand apasai CTRL+ALT+DEL se deschidea Task Manager. Acum imi apare mesajul "Task Manager has beed disabled by your administrator. Am reinstalat windowsul dar nimic. ma poate ajuta cineva? dau fundaaaaa.

Răspuns Câştigător
| al3xander a răspuns:

Eroare este din cauza ca a fost dezactivat de un virus. uite aici cum poti reactiva http://www.tweakandtrick.com/2011/07/enable-task-manager-windows-virus.html

1 răspuns:
| c9me a răspuns:

Daca nu iti merge foloseste tehnica asta:
1. Creeaza un notepad nou.
2. Scrie in el codul urmator:
'Enable/Disable Task Manager
'By PatheticCockroach - based on an idea by Doug Knox
'© 2005 MPAM Rebooted - http://patheticcockroach.com
'This code may be freely distributed/modified as long as it remains free of charge

Option Explicit
'Declare variables
Dim WSHShell, rr, rr2, MyBox, val, val2, ttl, toggle
Dim jobfunc, itemtype

On Error Resume Next

Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
val = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableTaskMgr"
val2 = "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableTaskMgr"
itemtype = "REG_DWORD"
jobfunc = "Task Manager is now "
ttl = "Result"

'reads the registry key value.
rr = WSHShell.RegRead (val)
rr2 = WSHShell.RegRead (val2)

If (rr=1 or rr2=1) Then toggle=0

If toggle = 1 Then
WSHShell.RegWrite val, 1, itemtype
WSHShell.RegWrite val2, 1, itemtype
Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & "disabled.", 4096, ttl)
WSHShell.RegDelete val
WSHShell.RegDelete val2
Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & "enabled.", 4096, ttl)
End If
3. Salveaza cu numele taskeng cu extensia vbs, de exemplu: taskeng.vbs
4. De fiecare data cand vrei sa pornesti task manager il deschizi de 2 ori si dai ok.
Si reinstalarea windowsului nu are niciun rost daca nu formatezi hdd-ul. booteaza cd-ul de la pornirea pc-ului iar acesta te va lasa sa il formatezi, daca nu il formatezi manual, din my computer click dreapta pe disk si dai pe "Format...". Dupa ce ai reusit rebootezi pc de pe cd-ul de instalare windows si vei scapa de el.