Pe un forum scrie ca ar fi o problema pe partea electronica.
Cand e vorba de circuite, nu ne ramane decat sa returnam produsul sau sa speram la o reparare prin inlocuirea componentelor defecte.
Iata ce spune sursa gasita de mine:
"my new sat nav is coming up with fatal error address 0 x00070848 exception 0x0000005 fatal error in main thread can you help?
Thank you Alex,
Unfortunately that unit has a serious electronic fault in the memory circuit.
The best thing I can tell you and the only way to fix this is to send it in for repair, or simply return it for an exchange.
There is nothing you could do to remedy this without replacing parts.
Thank you and have a great day Alex!
Tech Michael"
Daca nu reusesc cu acest gps, incerc pe o tableta Mp Man de16gB sa folosesc google maps dar surpriza......cand sa invept navigarea adica cand ii dau start la traseu deconecteaza locatia iar apoi pe harta imi cere sa o pornesc din nou. Ii dau sa porneasca si ma scoate din harta.