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If there is enough demand, I will start selling kits (without diode)- just post a comment below
Thanks for watching how to Build a 1W Blue Laser! Subscribe for more laser vids!
get batteries here:
Get the goggles and parts for your DIY 1W blue laser below
Get Goggles Here:
US store:
International store:
Links for Parts (~$90 total):
M140 Laser Module:
C6 Flashlight Host:
This laser takes 2x RCR123a batteries
Watch the video here for more help on how to build a 1W Blue laser
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Goggles that protect against ultraviolet, violet, blue, green, and infrared lasers (NOTE: they will not protect your eyes from red lasers) The other goggles listed at the top of the description work for ultraviolet, blue, and green lasers but not for infrared or red lasers.
NOTE: Before you build a 1W Blue Laser, know that this a Class IV Laser that will blind you without goggles! Never use this laser indoors unless everyone within sight has on appropriate goggles like the ones listed above. Never shine this laser at anyone or yourself. One direct hit to the eye will blind you. Never look at the dot without goggles. Cheap ebay goggles will not do! Do not build this laser until you have done sufficient research on laser safety (check ANSI Z136 Standards) and have appropriate goggles. Check laserpointerforums for any laser questions you have. They will have an answer to about anything.
To build a 1W Blue laser, you need to have a rudimentary knowledge of electronics. I recommend you go to laserpointerforums. There you will learn tons of stuff about lasers and how to make more than just 445nm 1W Blue lasers. I also recommend you check their safety section for what guidelines you should follow with your 1W blue laser build.
REMEMBER: A 1W Blue Laser is not a toy! This laser can engrave wood, light matches, burn through black plastics, burn through electrical tape, and even BLIND you. A 1W blue laser build is not going to be easy as a first build. If you do decide to do this as your first build, check out laserpointerforums before you do. But, I recommend you do this build before:
Iulian_Geani_1998 întreabă:
AndreiFB întreabă: