Asphalt 7,8, N.O.V.A 2, 3, The Amazing Spiderman, Iron Man 3, NFS Most Wanted, Fifa 14, Real Football 2013, Where's my water 2?, Dead Trigger 1, 2, si multe altele.
Asphalt 8: Airborne HD, Despicable Me, Gangstar Vegas HD
, UNO™ & Friends HD, EPIC Battle for Moonhaven HD
, Blitz Brigade HD, Dungeon Hunter 4 HD
Mai intai trebuie sa spui ce telefon ai pentru ca nu cred ca tie iti merg toate jocurile de pe google play.
De fapt e o tableta abia am primit-o si eu, nu prea stiu multe despre ea decat ca e dual core si ca are 8 gb memorie interna
Zi macar modelul
Vonino otis s
Asphalt 7,8, N.O.V.A 2, 3, The Amazing Spiderman, Iron Man 3, NFS Most Wanted, Fifa 14, Real Football 2013, Where's my water 2?, Dead Trigger 1, 2, si multe altele.
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