"If you've been playing Doom Eternal without issues, but now the game crashes to your desktop everytime you "Press [SPACE] to continue" on your Urdak or Final Sin mission... relax and get ready to laugh. Consider this *** [SOLVED].
You have your "Saved Games" files on one drive, and your 50gb+ game files on another (probably in your steam folder). For some reason during the final missions, the game doesn't like that.
I have a 250gb SSD (C) drive that runs my OS and a few of my favorite multiplayer games. I have a 2TB HDD (D) drive for the huge game files I play casually.
I installed Doom Eternal on my (D) drive, but my "Saved Games" installed to: "C:\Users\YourUsernameHere\Saved Games\id Software"
I literally cut/pasted my (D) drive 50gb+ install files onto my (C) drive, and I got back to slayin demons like I never had a problem. You're welcome.
**Maybe I could have moved the small sized "Saved Games\id Software" file to my (D) drive, but I didn't care to investigate further or mess with those important files since I was 90% into the game. Copy/backup your "Saved Games" folder and give it a test if you want. Let me know how it goes. But if you want to bring the 50gb+ game files to the drive that already has your "Saved Games", I bet either copypaste/cutpaste/re-installing the game will get you the same result."