Castle clash, plasma sky, cordy 2, shellrazer, racoon rising, gene effect, the mansion, gravity, thor 2, escape the titanic, dream pixel, spirit stones, the blockhades.
Deci, jocurile care le joc eu :
1.Raspunde la intrebare.
2. Doodle Jump
3. Cut the Rope
4. Temple run 2
5. Candy Crush Saga
6. Triple Town
7. Temple Run Brave
8. Funda?
Bike Race
Wonder zoo
Bear grills run
Temple run 2
Candy crush
race of champions
CSR racing(favoritul meu)
Zombie Evil
cam atat imi amintesc
Trial Xtreme 3, Temple Run 2, Cut the Rope, Fruit Ninja, Triple Town, Muffin Knight
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