Cauta pe Google Play. Sunt acolo cu miile!
Uite cateva exemple: Talking Tom Cat 1, Talking Tom Cat 2, Talking Ben, Talking Ginger, Santa&Ginger, Tom Loves Angela, Pou, Talking Gina, Royal Trouble, Where's My Perry?, Phantom, Talking Tom & Ben News, Talking Pierre the Parrot, Talking Angela, Talking Larry the Bird, Talking Santa, Talking Rex the Dinosaur, Talking Babsy Baby, Talking Lila the Fairy, Talking Pengu & Penga Penguin, Talking Roby Celik, Talking Rapper, Talking Teddy Bear, Pet Care Shop, Temple Run, Street racer, GTA III, Car Parking, Stunt Car Challenge, Car Valet, Find My Car, Name the Car, Kingdom & Dragons etc etc etc.
Sunt multe, ai din ce alege!
Salut, telefonul tau folosit o platforma Androit ai posibilitatea sa joci foarte multe jocuri, uite aici cateva:
Daca doresti mai multe nu ezita si contacteaza-ma: te voi ajuta cu cea mai mare placere.
GTA III, Temle Run 1 sau 2, Street racer,
Crazy Violence Moto, Ice Road Truckers 1.0
cristina10cris întreabă:
Florian80 întreabă: