Încearcă așa:
Telefon→ Nume→ Detalii→ Editare (rândul de sus, lângă Partajare)→ Vizualizați mai multe→ Ton sonerie/Ton mesaaj (Sonerie de apel implicită) și îți selectezi melodia dorită.
"The follow steps below to set custom ringtones:
Turn on the Galaxy J5.
Go to the Dialer app.
Browse and select the contact you want to edit a ring tone for.
Select the pen-shaped icon to edit the contact.
Then select the "Ringtone" button.
A popup window will show up with all your ringtone sounds.
Browse and select the song you want to use as a ringtone.
If the ringtone you made isn’t listed hit "Add" and find it in your device storage, then select it."
Intri la contacte, cauti persoana, editare, ton de apel. La fel cum ai atasa o imagine la contact.
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