When you count up the little wins, the S6 comes out on top. It’s the most attractive Samsung flagship and has all of the cutting edge features to back up its metal look. If you want cutting-edge, then Samsung in our eyes, is the one to go for right now. The iPhone 6 is still fantastic phone in our book, and battery-life aside, makes the changes where they matter most.
Desi invigatorul e Samsung s6 si iphone e un telefon fantastic, ambele fiind de top, oferind cam la fel acelasi calitate in ce priveste hardware/software calitatea pozelor, baterie etc
S6 edge. Cand vrei sa iesi afara din aplicatii nu te mai chinui sa apesi butonu de iesire de sus la iphone. Si in plus Samsung e dotat cu Android 7, ai aceleasi emoji smechere ca iphonu
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