*# Commands
*#06# IMEI number
*#30# followed by send - Corresp. ID incoming displayed
*#31# followed by send - Your ID. outgoing displayed
*#33# followed by send - Call barr inactive
*#35# followed by send - Call barr inactive
*#43# followed by send - Call Waiting
*#100# followed by send - Your mobile number
*#101# followed by send - DHLRU1? meaning?
*#102# followed by send - Transmitter information
*#103# followed by send - Current date and time
*#147# followed by send - Last caller's number
*#1345# followed by send - Call credit and service time left
Hidden menu
Engage one of the menus with the scroller then press *
Appli menu: option 1 Version, option 1 Battery
Prom menu: option 1 IMEI number
Sim lock: option 1 Sim lock - press okay for 30 second countdown, C button to cancel (caution with this I don't know what happens when the counter reaches 0!, it may lock up your telephone's SIM card.
Network: option 1 Option not available
Test LCD: option 1 Symbol 1 Tests screen, option 2 Symbol 2 Tests screen, option 3 Black Tests screen, option 4 For photo Tests screen, option 5 Tests the vibrator
Daca te referi la formatat, mai bine iti schimbi windws-ul si stergi toate partitiile si le faci la loc.