1. Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier
2. Step up 1 si 2
3. Weekend cu mama
4. American Pye
5. Yes Man
6. Street Magic
7. Toate filmele de la Disney gen: Another Cinderella Story, Starstruck, Camp rock, Wizards of Waverly Place-movie, Hannah Montana -movie, etc etc
8. Street Kings
9. Soccer Mom
10. Chucky :-s
Kick-Ass, The Karate Kid, The Last song, The A-Team, The Losers, the wolfman, Clash of the Titans, Iron Man 2, Prince of Persia The Sands of Time, the bounty hunter, splice, Percy Jackson And The Olympians The Lightning Thief, Cop out, Killers, Date night, Marmaduke
The city of angels
Dead poets society
Sex drive
Meet Joe Black
The others
Moartea domnului Lazarescu
Fata galbena care rade (scurt metraj romanesc)
Big (cu Tom Hanks)
Forrest Gump
The Bear (cu Anthony Hopkins)
The terminal
What the bleep do we know
1.Twilight(twilight, new moon si eclipse)
2. A walk to remember
3.Dear John
4.Yes man
5. The hangover
6. The house bunny
7. Save the last dance
8.The proposal
9. When in Rome
10. The sisterhood of travelling pants
1. Shrek (2001), Shrek 2 (2004), Shrek the Third (2007), Shrek Forever After (2010)
2. Ice Age (2002), Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006), Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009)
3. Alice in Wonderland
4. Avatar
5. 2012
6. High School Musical 1, 2, 3
7. Toate filmele cu Chucky
8. South Park: Bigger, longer and uncut
9. Azi 13, Maine 30 (2004)
10. Michael Jackson's This Is It (asta e un optional, in caz ca esti fan . Oricum filmul e superb
1.Moulin Rouge!
2. Titanic.
5.The Sixth Sense
6.The Hours
7.The Dark Knight
8.Nightmare on Elm Street
9.South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut.
10.The Exorcism of Emily Rose
eu am vazut primul film twilight si mi s-a parut prost
American Pie (toate seriile); Good Luck Chuk!; Rounders (1998); 21; Mihai Viteazul (1970); Harold And Kumar 1 - Go To White Castlel; Harold And Kumar 2 - Escape From Guantanamo Bay; Van Helsing si or mai fii dar nu-mi vin in minte... aaa Scarry movie (toate)
Astea imi plac mie ( nu sunt in ordinea preferintelor )
1. Wild Child
2. The House Bunny
3. Avatar
4. Taken
5. Sydney White
6. Saracele fete bogate
7. Bride Wars
8. Trapped
9. Apel Misterios
10. O cenusareasa moderna
Fundita te rog?
3. untinkable
4. undisputed
10. jason. x
1. Flicka (2006) si Flicka 2(2010)
3.Step up 1 si Step up 2
4. Juno
6. 17 again
8.Hachiko - a dog story (e superb...)
9.Last Holiday
10.The break up
spor la vizionat, poate nu iti plac toate dar cine nu a vazut filmele de la punctul 1 si 8, ar trebui sa le vada
1. Serendipity
2. A walk to remember
3. Forrest Gump
4. Remember the "Titans"
5. After the Rain
6. Save the last dance
7. Poolhall Junkies
8. Dragonfly
9. Love actually
10. Fahrenheit 9/11!
Vizionare placuta!
1. Meet Joe Black
2. 300
3. Harry Potter(All of them)
4. Paper House
5. Black Knight
6. Star wars
7. One missed call
8. Braveheart
9. Gladiator
10. Pact cu diavolul
Acuma depinde ce iti place tie
l-a mine cam asa vine
1.Inchisoarea Ingerilor (The Shawshank Redemption)
2.Forest Gump
3.Catch Me If You Can
4.Click (l-a asta chiar am plans)
5.The Green Mile
6.Cast Away
7.Saving Private Ryan
8.The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
9.Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo (asta e western nu stiu daca iti place )
10.The Book Of Eli ( a fost cat de cat bunicel)
asta e topul meui general daca vrei comedie uitate la american pie, eurotip, ice age, 17 agin etc... nu stiu ce vizionezi tu
Iti dau eu o lista sunt 10 filme care imi plac:
1.Sarutul dragonului
2.Ingerii lui Charly
3.Lara Croft-tomb raider 1 si 2
4. Miss Congeniality cu sandra bullock
6. 17 again
7. O cenusareasa moderna
8. Wizards of Waverly place-the movie
9.Pact cu diavolul
10.Knight and Day
sper sati place. daca-ti plac. fundita
Transformers, 2012, 2fast and furious, american pie, wolferine, x-men origine, fantastic 4, i'm a legend si blood and bone...vizionare plaqta
1.american pie
2.tokio drift
3. i'm a legend
4. 2012
5. x-men origine
7.clash of the titans
8.prince of persia the sand of time
9.blood and bone
10. avatar
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