What Causes The 0x0000001 Error?
The 0×0000001 error can be caused by a number of things:
The APC are mismatched.
There are newly added pieces of hardware, software or drivers that are malfunctioning.
A CD or DVD inserted in the optical drive is having issues.
A program has used API to register and event hook.
Memory has been corrupted or RAM memory has exceeded its capacity limit.
The system is having problems with the Win32k.sys file.
The computer has been transitioning into sleep mode frequently.
The Windows Vista Aero scheme is in use and it is causing the error.
To address these possible causes of error, follow the instructions below.
How To Fix The 0x000001 Error
First, check that all hardware in the computer is operating soundly. See that they are attached properly or if they are compatible with the version of Windows that you are running on. If there are new hardware that causes errors upon installation, remove them and make sure that they work properly before re-installing it. Next, update the drivers of your computer to make certain that the system has its necessary drivers to perform smoothly. Go to Control Panel> Device Manager> Hardware tab.
Check the date of the drivers by right clicking and then selecting PROPERTIES. Log on to the website of the manufacturer of the drivers and see if updates are available. Download those that come in a later date than the device drivers you are currently using. After installing the new drivers, remove or uninstall the old ones from Device Manager. Next, you will have to update Windows itself. Microsoft usually releases updates of the system directly to the computer. For updating, go to START> All Programs and open Windows Update. Just follow the update wizard and restart the computer after the process has finished.
Lastly, you will have to download a reliable registry cleaner. The recommended product is the Frontline Registry Cleaner. It has the necessary updated features to deal with delicate matters in the registry. It will maintain the files and data stored there and prevent possible corruption. Having this registry cleaner is very ideal for computers of today since most are prone to damage. Run the cleaner immediately after installing it.
Http://ezinearticles.com/? 0X0000001-Error-Fix---How-To-Repair-0x0000001-Errors-On-Your-PC&id=5909059
reinstaleaza windows-ul.
Totul pare sa fie O.K, am verificat driverele si toate functioneaza normal, acum am luat vreo 3-4 programele sa vad daca m-ar ajuta intr-un fel
Scuze ca ti-am dat in enegleza raspunsul, observ ca nu ai Intel; es.
Repet: reinstalare sistem ai sters ceva din greseala ..deschige google.ro scrie la search: eroarea 0x000001 si ai sa gasesti ceea ce ti-am dat eu.
Am luat la cunostiinta mesajul tau si m-am informat
Majoritatea surselor spun ca o piesa hardware nu este la locul ei, sau ca ar trebui reinstalat windows-ul.Eroarea cu Restart + Blue Screen a fost rezolvata de curand, am gasit o aplicatie (Blue Screen View) si am rezolvat asta.
Insa mai ramane cu navigarea pe internet, respectiv eroarea pe care ai mentionat-o si tu, 0x0000001 si d-astea.
Multumesc frumos pentru implicare, sper sa ma descurc.
Hard inseamna masinaria in sine. piesele calc, iat software inseamna programele care ruleaza pe masinarie.tu ai probleme de soft.
Navigarea pe net..depinde ce placa de retea ai, depinde ce antivirus folosesti, exista driver speciale
Acesta este un program sa iti spuna ce ai nevoie.
What Causes The 0x0000001 Error?
The 0×0000001 error can be caused by a number of things:
The APC are mismatched.
There are newly added pieces of hardware, software or drivers that are malfunctioning.
A CD or DVD inserted in the optical drive is having issues.
A program has used API to register and event hook.
Memory has been corrupted or RAM memory has exceeded its capacity limit.
The system is having problems with the Win32k.sys file.
The computer has been transitioning into sleep mode frequently.
The Windows Vista Aero scheme is in use and it is causing the error.
To address these possible causes of error, follow the instructions below.
How To Fix The 0x000001 Error
First, check that all hardware in the computer is operating soundly. See that they are attached properly or if they are compatible with the version of Windows that you are running on. If there are new hardware that causes errors upon installation, remove them and make sure that they work properly before re-installing it. Next, update the drivers of your computer to make certain that the system has its necessary drivers to perform smoothly. Go to Control Panel> Device Manager> Hardware tab.
Check the date of the drivers by right clicking and then selecting PROPERTIES. Log on to the website of the manufacturer of the drivers and see if updates are available. Download those that come in a later date than the device drivers you are currently using. After installing the new drivers, remove or uninstall the old ones from Device Manager. Next, you will have to update Windows itself. Microsoft usually releases updates of the system directly to the computer. For updating, go to START> All Programs and open Windows Update. Just follow the update wizard and restart the computer after the process has finished.
Lastly, you will have to download a reliable registry cleaner. The recommended product is the Frontline Registry Cleaner. It has the necessary updated features to deal with delicate matters in the registry. It will maintain the files and data stored there and prevent possible corruption. Having this registry cleaner is very ideal for computers of today since most are prone to damage. Run the cleaner immediately after installing it.
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