Nu ma! Stai linistita/a...(scuze nu stiu ce esti avand in vedere ca te cheama TE...)nu se inchide! e ca si cum ai spune ca maine dispare complet telefonul! e o chestie importanta pentru unii si pentru altii amuzanta, deci nu are cum!
Nu este adevarat se inchide decat yahoo site explorer { partea cu stirile } o sa fie preluata de Microsoft si o sa devina bing (The Yahoo! Site Explorer team is planning tighter integration between Site Explorer and Bing Webmaster Center to make the transition as smooth as possible for webmasters. At this stage in the transition, it is important for webmasters to continue using Yahoo! Site Explorer to inform us about your website and its structure so you keep getting high quality traffic from searches originating on Yahoo! and our partner sites even from markets outside the US and Canada that havent yet transitioned to Microsoft systems. To keep things simple, we will share site information you provide on Site Explorer with Microsoft during this transition period.
When Microsoft fully powers the Yahoo! Search back-end globally, expected in 2012, it will be important for webmasters to use Bing Webmaster Center as well. The Bing tool will manage site, webpage and feed submissions. Yahoo! Site Explorer will shift to focus on new features for webmasters that provide richer analysis of the organic search traffic you get from the Yahoo! network and our partner sites.)
Se inchide numai daca atunci va fi explozia solara, dar in cazul ala nici tu nu vei maia vea electricitate dar sa mai ai si net
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