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Aici iei doar imaginea cu Eclipse!
Si tto pentru afis: Incerci sa scrii "The twilight saga:Eclipse", data la care a fost premiera in Romania(2. 07. 2010) si incerci sa desenezi chestiile alea rosii de pe coperta cartii.
Poate te mai ajuta cu ceva:
Uite aici, in engleza, pentru comentariu:
Aici e in romana
Revin la afis, decupeaza de prin reviste si lipeste acolo! Daca tot e filmul tau preferat, probabil ai si tu reviste despre Eclipsa...
Si tot de afis, mie mi-a trecut prin cap o idee nebuneasca, am desenat pe calculator o Eclipsa si am scris ''Eclipse", asa poti face si tu, cu creionul! Prblema e ca nu am imaginea pe calculator, e pe laptop!
Succes la ora! Sa ai cel mai frumos afis si sa iei 10! Ce n-as da sa fii avut si eu de facut asa ceva!
scoate la imprimanta poza si scrie pe langa ea cateva quotes-uri din film in engleza. de exemplu: "I prefer brunettes."
— Edward Cullen
"We’re a bit sensitive to blood around here. I’m sure you can understand that."
— Bella Swan
"There’s something…strange about the way you two are together… The way he watches you—it’s so…protective. Like he’s about to throw himself in front of a bullet to save you or something."
— Renee Dwyer
"I don’t have any leeches on my speed dial."
— Jacob Black
"I’m really glad Edward didn’t kill you. Everything’s so much more fun with you around."
— Emmett Cullen
"Here’s the thing... I’ve already gone crazy once. I know what my limits are."
— Bella Swan
"Edward’s only human, Bella. He’s going to react like any other boy."
— Angela Weber
"I never thought I needed to teach you how to throw a punch. Guess I was wrong about that."
— Charlie Swan
"This hostage stuff is fun."
— Alice Cullen
"Does my being half-naked bother you?"
— Jacob Black
"Do you ever think that your life might be easier if you weren’t in love with me?"
— Edward Cullen
"I already know how strong you are. You didn’t have to break the furniture."
— Bella Swan
"Would you like to hear my story, Bella? It doesn’t have a happy ending—but which of ours does? If we had happy endings, we’d all be under gravestones now."
— Rosalie Hale
"You aren’t exactly the best judge of what is or isn’t dangerous."
— Edward Cullen
"I didn’t have quite the same…upbringing as my adopted siblings here. My beginning was something else entirely."
— Jasper Hale
"I think I might have been wrong before, you know, about not being able to be friends. Maybe we could manage it, on my side of the line. Come see me."
— Jacob Black
"It’s the thought that counts. I ought to know."
— Edward Cullen
"Well, that just sucks! I guess I’m stuck with Mike Newton after all."
— Bella Swan
"Fall down again, Bella?"
— Emmett Cullen
"Did you seriously just stamp your foot? I thought girls only did that on TV"
— Jacob Black
"Hey, vampire girl!"
— Embry Call
"Besides…the more time I spend with you, the more human emotions seem comprehensible to me. I’m discovering that I can sympathize with Heathcliff in ways I didn’t think possible before."
— Edward Cullen
"Do you think either of them would give up if you died? They’d still fight, we all would. You can’t change anything, so just be good, okay?"
— Alice Cullen
"I was just wondering why you stabbed him. Not that I object."
— Edward Cullen
"The stories say that the Cold Woman was the most beautiful thing human eyes had ever seen. She looked like the goddess of the dawn when she entered the village that morning; the sun was shining for once, and it glittered off her white skin and lit the golden hair that flowed down to her knees. Her face was magical in its beauty, her eyes black in her white face. Some fell to their knees to worship her."
— Billy Black
"It’s a good thing you’re bulletproof."
— Bella Swan
"I offered eternal servitude, remember. I’m your slave for life."
— Jacob Black
"I feel like screaming!"
— Jessica Stanley
"Would you please tell me what you are thinking? Before I go mad?"
— Edward Cullen
"Maybe you should pick on people your own size."
— Charlie Swan
"I can’t imagine how awful that must feel. Being normal? Ugh."
— Bella Swan
"I know you think that I have some cand of perfect, unyielding self-control, but that’s not actually the case."
— Edward Cullen
"It’s not like I’m headed off to Vegas to be a showgirl or anything."
— Bella Swan
"The right thing isn’t always real obvious. Sometimes the right thing for one person is the wrong thing for someone else. So…good luck figuring that out."
— Charlie Swan
"I never thought I’d see the day where I’d be willing to take a bet against you, Alice, but it has arrived."
— Bella Swan
"You’ve experienced the way I can manipulate the emotions around myself, Bella, but I wonder if you realize how the feelings in a room affect me. I live every day in a climate of emotion. For the first century of my life, I lived in a world of bloodthirsty vengeance. Hate was my constant companion."
— Jasper Hale
"Quite a pity how things turned out, isn’t it?"
— Jane
"Edward, this is very important to me. I am going to do this right."
"Who’s definition of right?"
He rolled over onto his elbow and stared at me, his expression disapproving.
"How are you goin gto do this right?"
I took a deep breath. "Responsibly. Everything in the right order. I will not leave Charlie an drenee with out the best resolution i can give them. I won’t deny Alice her fun, if I’m having a wedding anyway. And i will tie myself to you in every human way, before i ask you to make me immortal. I’m fallowing all the rules, Edward. Your soul is far too important to me to take chanes with. You’re not going to budge me on this."
Buna. Daca nu esti prea priceputa la desen ai putea sa iei imagini de pe net sau din reviste si sa le lipesti pe afis. intre imagini si putea lasa spatii libere unde s ascri cate ceva despre filmul taupreferat Eclipse (care ste si filmul meu preferat). Ai putea sa spui in ce an a aparut filmul, care sunt personajele, de ce iti place filmul si alte lucruri. Sper ca te-am ajutat. Daca da, funda.
De ce nu tragi la imprimanta ceva de pe net? sunt multe poze editate de fani.chiar si eu aveam odata ceva editat... dar am sters poza
foloseste photoshopuri:d