Sunt multe haine si lucruri gratis pe stardoll, trebuie doar sa le iei la timp, si zece monede le poti lua gratis daca ai cont pe facebook.
Lucruri gratis vei gasi aici: sau aici:
Iar cele zece monede le iei daca respecti instructiunile astea:Free 10 stardollars from Facebook Connect
1)Du-te la My account
2)Apoi la connections
3)Da click pe connect cu facbook
4)Facebook iti va spune ce sa faci in continuare
Daca nu iti apar imediat cele 10 monede da log out si apoi logheaza-te iar:)
Si pentru niste lucruri gratis care mie mi-au mers fa ce scrie mai jos:
Free Pink Bow:
1)Go to your stardoll's ''My account'' to find your User ID
2)Copy this link in your url bar:
3)And paste your User ID instead of ''#''
4)Click ENTER>>
6)Register with with FAKE information in that site
Don't forget to Check the box ''I have read and agree with the terms.''
7)Click SUBMIT>>, then Continue>>
(it will say "thanks for entering. Click here to for the gift" Click that link)
Bow should be in a Shrek bag in your suite
Free I♥Russia t-shirt
1)Go to Russian proxy site like OR (choose Russia if you use the 2nd one)
2) Paste stardoll in the blank box
3)Click Surf Now OR Go
4)Log in stardoll
5)Leave the proxy, go to stardoll as usual
T-shirt should be in a giftbox in your suite [:
Free Globe:
Just go to;
And save a scenery
For the T-Shirt you just click where it says "For a free T-Shirt and more.
Free Face Cleanser:
1)Copy&Paste this in link bar:
Free Animal Every Month!
by clicking Adopt me button :
Free chair/poster
1)Join the Amy Diamond club: (without space)
Free Simple Spotless Skinrange set
1)Go to ''My account'' to find your User ID
2)Copy this link in your url bar:
3)And paste your User ID after the ''=''
4)Click enter wait till page loads
5)Scroll down and fill in the boxes [You can text fake info]
6)Click Submit
7)And just go to stardoll, Simple set will be in Simple bag, next to your closet
Free Facebook Giveaway dress
To get it in your starplaza dresser go to this link:
Scuze ca nu am mai putut sa le traduc, dar nu am mai avut timp:)
Pai, foarte simplu:
te duci si citesti de-a fir a par blogul cu lucruri gratis si restul:underneathstardoll si/sau hotbuysbazaar, unde poti participa la concursuri si castiga SD.
Nici eu nu stiu am vreo 4 conturi acolo si nu ma mai joc pe ele din cauza asta daca afli te rog sa-mi zici si mie pentru ca imi place la nebunie jocul multumesc anticipat
dar trebuie sa intri zilnic pentru ca unele sunt valabile doar in ziua respectiva
Cristina9o1 întreabă:
anonim_4396 întreabă: