man over game - Makes you win
noglues - Enemy can't use magic
zerg(mission #) - Zerg mission select
protoss(mission #) - Protoss mission select
terran(mission #) - Terran mission select
power overwhelming - invicibility/god mode
show me the money - vespene and minerals
black sheep wall - see all map
game over man - lose level
there is no cow level - win level
whats mine is mine - minerals
breathe deep - vespene
something for nothing - all upgrades
operation cwal - build fast
staying alive - play after level over
medieval man - gives free upgrades
modify the phase variance - build any building
war aint what it used to be - disable fog of war
food for thought - build more units than posible
the gathering - no enargy use
ophelia - than type terran#, zerg# and
protoss# to skip to that level
terribleterribledamage – Invincibilitate
whysoserious – Primești 5. 000. 000 credits
moredotsmoredots – Unitățile și clădirile nu mai costă resurse
Jaynestown – Resurse garantate
Tyuhasleftthegame – Dezactivezi condițiile de victorie
SoSayWeAll – Dezactivezi cerințele tehnice
Eyeofsauron – Deschizi meniul de cut-scenes
Realmendrilldeep – + 5 000 vespene gas
IAmIronman – Upgrade de arme, armor și shields cu 1
OverEngineeredCodPiece – Cântă cântecul "Terran up the Night"
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