1) World of Warcraft - Game Lair
The best MMORPG yet because WoW mixes the right amount of depth and simplicity better than any other game in the history of the genre.
2) Aion
This latest potential "WoW killer" could be the best one yet after a very successful launch. Aion sports many of the features that made WoW a success but still retains its own personality with characters being able to fly and its PvPvE system.
3) Eve Online
The best sci-fi MMORPG with player-run corporations and a thriving economy.
4) Darkfall
Innovative MMO game that focuses on giving players as much freedom as possible.
5) Rift
New game with the potential to be a dominant force for years to come.
6) City of Heroes/City of Villains - Game Lair
Combined, City of Heroes and City of Villains are easily the second best MMORPG for casual gamers. With the addition of the well-balanced villain types and the use of bases, City of Villains completes the potential that fans have been craving for ever since City of Heroes launched. To top it off, hardcore gamers now also have a reason to like CoH/CoV with its ultra-quick PvP.
7) Champions Online
Although Champions Online does not appear to be quite the blockbuster to send the Superhero genre to the next level, the game sports one of the best character customization tools yet. Champions Online will be going free-to-play on January 25th.
8) Dark Age of Camelot
Has usually been one the best major MMORPG for PvP combat due to its 3 realm system. Also, DAOC has remained one of the steadiest MMORPGs over the years in terms of quality. However, the game is starting to show its age and other MMOs have incorporated similar or better PvP systems.
9) DC Universe Online
Quite a simply a dream come true for comic book and super hero fans. DC Universe Online boasts quite a PvE/PvP package for a super hero-themed game.
10) Age of Conan
Mature-themed MMO with brutal combat and large-scale warfare. Also has a single-player mode in the first phase of game where each player can wreak havoc at night alone. Has lost a lot of the steam that it once had due to primarily to changes in PVP and lack of solid PvE after level 20. However, Age of Conan has recovered after a somewhat rocky start with several major improvements.
1) Lord of the Rings Online
One of the most popular MMORPGs that appeals to casual gamers. Plenty of solo content adds to the game's already tremendous mainstream appeal. Going free-to-play bolstered the game's popularity.
2) RuneScape - Game Lair
Most players either love it or hate it. Continues to gain popularity with MMORPGers on a budget despite having its share of critics. RuneScape has improved its graphics considerably with the high detail (HD) version.
3) Dungeons & Dragons Online
Former pay-to-play game that now has a free version. This new version is so popular that the game had a hard time keeping up with all the players when it first launched.
4) Vindictus
Vindictus is one of the best action games to come along in a number of years.
5) Perfect World
Boasts a giant game world and less grinding due to the huge number of quests.
6) Runes of Magic
Offers a huge buffet of features a long with quality graphics and solid game play.
7) Aika
Possibly the future of PvP with its massive PvP system that can handle wars all the way up to 1, 000 vs. 1, 000.
8) Guild Wars - Game Lair
Excellent MMORPG that can be bought in stores, but does not have any monthly fees. Has lead the free MMO industry for many years, but steps into the shadows until its sequel is launched.
9) AQ Worlds
One of the better browser MMOs that is based on the same world as the popular single player RPGs by Artix Entertainment.
10) Maple Story
One of the few MMOs that looks like a console game. This game has no races but each of MS's 4 classes has their own specially-themed city.
World of Warcraft - Game Lair
Eve Online
Champions Online
Dark Age of Camelot
Age of Conan
Lord of the Rings Online
Perfect World
Runes of Magic
Maple Story
Poate ai auzit de jocul Aion, daca nu, uite aici un link cu cateva lucruri despre acest joc : http://computergames.ro/......aurea.html .
Ce vreau eu sa iti spun? Ca s-a deschis un nou server privat de Aion, care momentan e in beta, suntem putini deocamdata, insa vom fi multi !
Intra pe site-ul http://pulsargames.no-ip.org/aion/ si hai sa ne intalnim pe un joc foarte complex si foarte captivant !
Te astept !
PS: Toti participantii la beta vor beneficia timp de o luna de cont premium !
Iti zic eu un joc misto: e o combinatie intre Metin si 4Story se numeste RaiderZ
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