1. 17.Again.2009.
2. 18.Year.Old.Virgin.
3. Bolt
4. Eagle. Eye
5. Fast.Track-No.Limits
6, High.School.Musical.3
7. Kung.Fu.Panda
8. Saw. 2
9. Saw. 3
10. Saw. 4
11. Saw. 5
12. Slumdog.Millionaire
13. V.For.Vendetta
14. Blood.And.Bone.
15. American High School
16. Big Stan
17. Daddy Day Camp
18. Fired Up
19. Norbit
20. Road Trip
21. Whos Your Daddy
22. Little Man
23. Miss March
24. Stay.Alive
25. Streets.Of.Blood.
26. The Ringer
27. The.Curious.Case.of.Benjamin.Button.
28. The.Hangover
29. Twilight
30. Van.Wilder.Freshman.Year.Unrated.
31. Apocalypto
32. frontieres
33. opt-mirrors
34. Over.the.Hedge.
35. Robots.
36. Shark. Tale.
37. The.Incredibles.
38. TMNT.
39. Valiant.
40. Crank.High.Voltage.
41. Creep
42. David Blaine - Fearless
44. Fast n Furious 4
45. Greu de Ucis 4
46. monsters vs aliens
47. Mr Beans Holiday
48. Step. Up.
49. Step. Up. 2
50. Superman Returns
51. Taken
52. The Game Plan
53. The Hills Have Eyes
54. The Hills Have Eyes 2
55. Spirit Stallion Of The Cimarron
56. Drag.Me.To.Hell.
57. Halloween.
58. You.Don't.Mess.With.The.Zohan
59. American.Virgin.
60. Jackass.The.Lost.Tapes.
61. Mary.and.Max.
62. The.Tournament.
63. Ratatouille
64. Necromentia.
65. The.Number.23.
66. Cloudy.With.A.Chance.Of.Meatballs.
67. 2012.
68. Saw 6
69. American.Pie.The.Book.of.Love.
70. Planet. 51.
71. The.Vicious.Kind.
72. The Box
73. Beverly.Hills.Chihuahua.
74. I.Am.Legend
75. Meet.The.Spartans.
76. Paranormal Activity.
77. The.40.Year.Old.Virgin.Unrated.
Filme HD
78. Alien.vs.Predator [4 GB]
79. Aliens.vs.Predator.Requiem. [4 GB]
80. Underworld. [4 GB]
81. Underworld. Evolution. [4 GB]
82. Underworld.Rise.of.the.Lycans. [4 GB]
Astea sunt filmele din PCu` meu. :']
Cred ca majoritatea filmelor pe care vroiam sa ti le recomand le-a spus c0rn3l1uss
Mai este unul dragut (comedie romantic): Taking 5
Eu iti recomand in preajma sarbatorilor: Charlotte's web, Tom & Thomas, Home Alone I, II, III, A Christmas Carol, etc... In rest, filme care mi-au placut foarte mult: Knowing, The day the earth stood steel, New moon, 2012, Spread, etc.
Incearca :Wanted:Waist Deep:HellBoy2amage
andorum.si sunt mai multe dar astea mi-au placut.baga la fiecare daca vrei Trailer pe You tube si o sa vez Tema fiecarui Film.Vizionare Placuta.
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