At Christmas Time
At Christmas time, we deck the hall
With holly branches brave and tall,
With sturdy pine and hemlock bright -
And in the Yule log's dancing light
We tell old tales of field and fight
At Christmas time.
At Christmas time we pile the board
With flesh and fruit and vintage stored,
And mid the laughter and the glow
We tread a measure soft and slow,
And kiss beneath the mistletoe
At Christmas time.
Christmas comes, he comes, he comes,
Ushered in with a rain of plums,
Hollies in the window greet him,
Schools some driving post to meet him,
Gifts precede him bells proclaim him.
Lo, now is come our joyful'st feast!
Let every man be jolly,
Each room with ivy leaves is dressed,
And every post with holly.
Now all our neighbor's chimneys smoke,
And Christmas blocks are burning,
Their ovens they with baked meats choke
And all their spits are turning.
Without the door let sorrow lie,
And if, for cold, it hap to die,
We'll burry it in a Christmas pie,
And evermore be merry.
He comes in the night! He comes inthe night!
He softly, silently comes,
While the little brown heads on the pillows so white
Are dreaming of bugles and drums.
He cuts thro' the snow like a ship thro' the foam,
While the white flakes round him whirl,
Who tells him I know not, but he findeth the home
Of each good little boy and girl.
His sleigh it is long, and deep, and wide,
It will caryy a host of things,
While dozens of drums hang over the side,
With the sticks sticking under strings.
And yet not the sound of a drum is heard,
Not a bugle blast be blown,
As he mounts to the chimney-top like a bird,
And drops to the hearth like stone.
The little red stockings he silently fills,
Till the stockings will hold no more,
The bright little sleds for the great snow hills
Are quickly set down on the floor.
Then Santa Claus mounts to the roof like a bird,
And glides to his seat in the sleigh,
Not the sound of a bugle is heard,
As he noiselessly gallops away.
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