Acestea sunt si alte 25 de filme de groaza care nu sunt chiar noute, dar merita vazute. Lista ramane deschisa, pentru cazul in care ati mai descoperit vreun alt film de groaza care merita vazut.
1- killer clowns from outer space
2- city of the living dead
3- return of the living dead
4- gremlins
5- jason x
6- scanners
7- evil dead part 1
8- terror at the opera. aka opera
9- zombie – Lucio Fulci
10- ichi the killer
11- Suspiria
12- the thing -john carpenter
13- final destination 2, 3 sau 4
14- nightmare on elmstreet
15- army of darnkess
16- day of the dead
17- friday the 13 part 5
18- evil dead part 1
19- species 2
20- terror at the opera. aka opera
21- nightmare on elmstreet
22- house of wax
23- The Beyond
24- friday the 13th part 3
25- chopping mall
The Grudge 1, 2, 3, 4.
Este unul care m-a speriate de aproape am facut pe mine.
Cele mai horror care exista - iti spun ca am vazut f multe ... :
Breathing Room
Eden Lake
I Know What You Did Last Summer
I Stil Know What You Did Last Summer
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer
One Missed Call
Saw II
Saw IV
Saw V
Saw VI
The Children
The Eye
The Hitcher 2 .I've Been Waiting
The Hitcher
The Horsemen
The Legend Of Bloody Mary
The Telling
The Unborn
The Uninvited
Vacancy 2.The First Cut
Wrong Turn
Wrong Turn2
Altele mai de groaza ca astea nu exista !
funda ?!?
Silent Hill
Drag me to hell
The masacres in Texas(cam asa ceva nu mai spui cum sa scrie dar cred ca ai auzit de filmul cu omul acela cu drujba)
The grudge(all colection)
Atacul corbilor
Harry Poter(all episodes)
Ghost rider
Jeepers Creepers 1 si 2, The Echo, Legend of Boody Mary, The Eye, The Crazies, Mirrors 2, The Loved Ones.
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