District B13 - Set in the ghettos of Paris in 2010, an undercover cop and ex-thug try to infiltrate a gang in order to defuse a neutron bomb. (NOT a training video)
Casino Royale (James Bond 2006)
Quantum of Solace (James Bond 2008)
Operation Condor (Jackie Chan)
You don't mess with the Zohan (la inceputul filmului si de asemenea aproape de sfarsitul lui)
Ruch Hour 1, 2 & 3 - sau orice film cu Jackie Chan.
Hot Fuzz (Haios, dar are parkour)
Breaking and Entering (2006)
Les Fils Du Vent (Yamkasi 2)
District 13: Ultimatum
Bafta! Incearca-le pe toate de la primul pana la ultimul si nu vei fi dezamagit.
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