| anonim_4396 a întrebat:

Stie cineva de ce nu functioneaza World of Warcraftul?
Scriu contul si parola si imi apare pana la Succes si de acolo ramane asa pana ce imi spune sa aleg serverele.
Ce trebuie sa fac?
Va rog seriozitate.

2 răspunsuri:
| Apetrei_Bogdan_1995 a răspuns:

Alegi un server.

| anonim_4396 explică (pentru Apetrei_Bogdan_1995):

Eu joc World of Warcraft Whrat of the Lich King.
Are doar trei servere: Lordaeron, Deathwing si Ragnaros.
Le-am incercat pe toate trei dar la fiecare mi se oprea la Succes.
Tu ce World of Warcraft joci?
Ti sa mai intamplat asa ceva?
Cand intru pe site-ul official Topit Wow
(Mo-lten Wow) nu mi se deschide ca sa bag contul si parola si nu imi apare nimic.
Uite ce am gasit pe Facebook: Update: We are making progress, but not as quickly as we would like. These internal problems should be dealt with soon, but it may be a few days before anyone may be able to play properly. We recommend taking a short break, focusing on school/work and relaxing with some fresh air.

Please understand that we are still working our hardest to get things done and we will update you with more information when we have the information to give.

Thank you for your patience and support.