Orphan...creep...chucky...Twilight...Shutter...The Unborn... Zombie Strippers...Rise of the Lycans...The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor...My Bloody Valentine 3-D...Blood and Sex Nightmare... Drag Me to Hell...Saw V...Friday the 13th...Against the Dark...The Uninvited...The Final Destination...
One Missed Call...Mirrors...House...The Last House on the Left...Scary Movie 4... I Am Legend...Prom Night...Anaconda III...The Eye...Van Helsing...Blood and Chocolate...The Strangers... Underworld:Evolution... 13 Hours in a Warehouse...
Autopsy... Død snø...The Midnight Meat Train... Pig Hunt... Feast 3:The Happy Finish...The Devil's Tomb... Orphan...The Ruins...The Mist... Amusement...The Grudge 2... Gwoemul...The Grudge 3...Saw III...Blood:The Last Vampire...Silent Hill...The Exorcism of Emily Rose...Pathology...Quarantine... Underworld...The Horror Vault...House of Wax...Resident Evilegeneration...
fff frumoase
A mai fost intrebarea asta .....caut-o si u si o sa gasesti aqlo tot felul de filme
The ring 1, 2
The grudge 1, 2, 3
Wrong turn 1, 2
Stay alive
The unborn
Saw (toate)
The messengers
The texas chainsaw massacre
The amityville horror
Hide and seek
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre : The Beginning
One Miss Call
Final Destination "1.2.3"
Jeepers Creepers
I Didn't Forgot What You Did Last Summer
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Ghost Ship
One missed Call
Firday the 13th
Drag me to Hell
The Reeker
The Number 23
House of wax
Eden lake
My bloody valentine
Halloween 2007
Prom night
Mai sunt destuleee, dar cred ca iti ajung astea.
Vizionare placuta.
Darkness Falls
Dark Water
House Of 1000 Corpses
Seria Hellraiser
Stephen King's Rose Red
Dead End
9 episoade ale seriei Friday the 13th
Dawn of the Dead seria Nightmare on Elm Street
Army Of Dead
Casa Bantuita
Cradle Of Fear
Wrong Turn
Seria HellBound. Seria Alien
seria Haloween
Psycho ('60-Hitchcock)
Vineri 13
The Texas Chainsaw Masacre
The Tooth Fairy
Wrong Trip 1 si 2
The Green Mile
The Beyond
Dawn Of The dead (cel original din '78 )
Cannibal holocaust (interzis in peste 57 de tari cica)
Uzumaki (reaaally entertaining)
The cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Body Snatchers (ala vechi)
White Zombie (with Bela Lugosi)
HalloweeN (only the first 2)
Sleepaway Camp
Jack Frost (nu ala cu Michael Keaton )
Brain Dead
Evil Dead
Cannibal Ferox
Amityville Horror
Resident Evil
Children of the Corn
Programul de guvernare BOC.
Ne-a umplut de sange si inca mai urmeaza cateva secvente si mai si.
My bloody vallentine nu e chiar groaza.mai mult thriller dar e awesome. e cu "dean" din Supernatural! sunt fana!
El Orfanato, The Ring 1 si 2, The Haunting in Conneticut, Chucky, Dawn of the dead, Sleepy Hollow.
Wrong turn 1 si 2, The.Hitcher, Laid.To.Rest,. Uita-te la filmele astea si sa vezi ce greu o sa adormi dupa
Saw 1, 2, 3, 4 si 5 cele mai sadice. jason X, jason vs freddy, seria friday 13th, final destination 1, 2, 3 si o sa iasa si 4 in curand. octombrie mi se pare, am vazut cared k peste 300 de filme horror si imi este greu sa`mi amintesc. Dar pe astea 2 iti recomand sa le vezi MIRRORS si THE MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN
Masters of Horror : Jenifer
The grudge (toate)
The unborn
astea mi se par cele mai horror
Philosophy of a knife. e groaznic si nu il recomand nimanui
Cannibal Holocaust...regizor acuzat ca face snuff movie
Hostel...plin de sange si personaje dezaxate mintal
Silent Night Deadly Night...interesant si dur
ti-am spus cele mai controversate filme horror de pana acum... daca house of wax si the ring au fost horror si in viziunea ta, nu iti recomand sa te uiti la ele. te pup
p. s. the strangers este f interesant...eu nu il percep ca fiind horror dar merita vazut.are niste efecte sonore incredibile si cantitatea de suspans va fi maxima.
Nu imi explica si mie careva care e un singur lucrusor bun cu care ramai dupa vizionarea unui film horror?
ca ma intreb: daca nu e nici unul, vizionarea de horror e o manifestare de masochism?
masochismul e o perversiune. Deci e bine sa fi pervers?
Wake up people!
Cateva filme Horror calumea pe care le-am vazut, astea is filme adevarate care te tin in suspans...nu alea in care apare ceva si ii omoara pe toti.,uitati: One Missed Call,Drag Me To Hell, Mirrors, Death Silence.
The exorcims of Emily Rose
Dupa ce l-am vazut pe ala n-am mai vazut niciunul care sa ma sperie...
1. Hostel
the messengers
masacru din texas
i know what you did last summer
casa celor 13 fantome
casa de sticla
silent hill
last house on left
the final destinesion3 mai mule da merita sa le vedeti daca snteti fani horror sh uitati-va la silent hill neaparat
The mirrors, one missed call, the grudge 1, 2, 3(2 the best), the hills run red, drag me to hell, saw 6 care e oribill, chucky (scuze daca nu am scris bine), destinatie finala 1, 2, 3 ti le recomand sunt foarte tari., carantina, casa bantuita, paranormal activity si inca cateva dar nu le mai stiu numele scuze pa :*
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