1. Little Manhattan : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0412922/
Incep cu acesta pentru ca e un film deosebit. Ne aminteste ca suntem copii. Chiar daca unii nu mai suntem la o varsta a copilariei, vom fi mereu copii. Ne aminteste de micile stangacii care uneori ne urmaresc pana la o varsta inaintata.
Filme frumoase mi s-au parut si :
2. Notte Prima Degli Esami-Oggi : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myltlgAhdGE
3) Virgin Snow : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMR6DBroa-I&feature=related
4) My Sassy Girl : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3ZFC45_jTw
5 ) Sweet November : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0230838/
Fac top 5 doar cu filme de dragoste :
1.cruel intentions
2. a walk to remember
3.the holiday
4.the proposal
5. what happens in vegas
Nu sunt de dragoste dar poate îți plac:
Because Of Winn-Dixie [2005]
Chestnut Hero of Central Park (2004)
Freedom Writers [2007] DVDrip
Hachiko - A Dogs Story [2009] DVDrip
The Ron Clark Story [2006]
Elina [2002] DVDrip
I Am David [2003]
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas [2008] DVDrip
The Secret Garden [1993] DVDrip
The Ultimate Gift [2007]
Flicka (2006)
Places in the Heart [1984]
Aceste filme le poți downloada gratis de pe site-ul www.christianmovies.eu
Hm...nu sunt filme de dragoste insa mie mi-au placut foarte mult:
17 Again, The Last Song, 2012, Our Family Wedding, College, Bolt, etc
1. PS. i love you
2. Twilight
3. The notebook
4. A walk to remember
5. Keith
6.Remember me
Twilight saga: New Moon
Twilight saga: Eclipse
Step up 1 & 2
American Pie 1-7
The back-up plan
She's out of my league
Never back down
What happens in Vegas
The Rebound
Little man
Freaky friday
Big daddy
Valentine's day
Remember me
Are we there yet
Are we done yet
Big momma's house 1 & 2
17 again
A Cinderella Storry
Another Cinderella Storry
Fired up
She's the man
Fast and Furios Tokyo Drift
When in Rome
50 first dates
The Perfect Man
Dear John
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
(500) Days Of Summer
A Walk To Remember
The Notebook
Across The Universe
The Proposal
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
Love Actually
In special eu urmaresc telenovele de dragoste, daca vrei ti le spun : si anume: fara sani nu exista paradis; saracii copii bogati; impreuna pentru totdeauna; predestinati; Cealalta fata a analiei. Sper ca iti este de folos! Daca nu, asta e!
The reader
A walk to remember
The notebook
Ghost(Fantoma mea iubita)
1. Titanic
2.Pride and prejudice
3.The notebook
4.The Proposal
5.Dear John
si ar mai fi multe...
Daria întreabă: