Stiu eu 3 coduri care merg sigur, le-am incercat si eu:
-pretzel= iti da o oita "inimioara dulce"
-goldoxcar= iti da 250 gerbene, 10 scenarii
-award= 30 super-hrana, 35 super-compost, 25 sare, 25 zahar gelifiant.
Daca vrei, poti sa ma adaugi la vecini, ma numesc Loryabel.
Buna sunt Catalina am un cod tul dau daca imi zici codul pentru fantana codul meu este sorryfarmerama
Ma til zic eu da zimil situ
Ma til zic eu
Coduri:,,harvesterfun''(3 ore gratuite pentru combina)-,, happyspinning''(o rotatie gratuita la roata norocului)-,, farmdroid''(3 ore gratuite combina functie GRAJDAR)-,, foodmood''(5 super hrana)-,, seedomatic''(combina functie GRAJDAR 3 ore)-,, mashable''(fantana si o incercare la roata norocului)-,, fafansarethebest''(50% mai mult PE la recoltat)-,, schule''(oaie tandemn).
Succes la farmerit!
(am dat acest mesaj pe anonim pentru ca am uitat parola, sa stii ca numele meu de aici e ste NeckyAndreea)
Nu mai sunt valabile daca erau mergeau
Ce tampenii! mie imi scrie mereu code not found la toate prostiile de coduri!
Previous bonus codes
happyspinning: this code gives you a free spin on the "Farm wheel"
harvesterfun: this bonus code will activate the harvester for three hours
farmdroid: it will unlock the Farm Droid for three hours
foodmood: gives you five units of "Super-feed"
seedomatic: Farm Droid will be available for three hours
happyharvest: three hours for using the "Combine-Harvester", 1st option: harvesting
seed4free: Farm Droid for three hours
dungfun: with this bonus code you gain 10X "Super-Grow"
droidmania: three hours use of Farm Droid
farmerstars: gives you 12 stars
chickentogo: gives you five units of "Super-Feed"
tooltime: gives you 1 XL toolbox (valid until 24.07. 2011)
goodbyeshaun: gives 2 hours of 100% EP (double experience points) - expires on 05-08-2011
vivelafrance - lots of good stuff... expires? expired...
city - gives you a golden miniature of the old city witch gives you 300EP every 14 hours. The code expired on 21-10-2011.
freefarmwheel: gives to free spins at the "Farm Wheel"
pleaseforgiveme: activates the "Farm machinery" (with all his functions) for eight hours
tradegift - you get 1 gift license and 1 trade license for free every day + 6 gift licenses and 6 trade licenses - on the current event you can get up to 9 licenses, if you use this code. More info about the event can be found here. The code will expire on Sunday, 12-11-2011 at 11:45 am CET, so hurry up, and inform your friends and neighbors.
farmhelp - it will give 3 hours of all the three helpers aka "The Machinery". The code will expire on 30-11-2011.
advent - 24 hours full use of the harvester (machinery)
adventadvent: gives 10 Super-feed, valid until 04-12-2011 at 23:59 CET
adventdung - it gives 8 units of Super-Grow - expires on 23:59 December 8th CET
adventstar - you will get 5 stars. The code expires at 23:59 December 9th CET
adventsusi - 10 Suzy's Super-Grow. Expires on 23:59 December 13th CET
superadvent - you will get 10 power-feed and 10 super-grow. Expires on December 20th 23:59 CET
happychristmas - you will get a decorative Christmas Tree that gives 35 EP every 10 hours. More details here
schule: gives you a "Super Sheep"
snowdome - it will give you a "Snowdome". The code will expire on 31-01-2012 at 23:59 CET
socialstar - gives you 5 stars. Will expire on Sunday, Feb 5th, 23:59 CET
goldoxcar - give 250 x gerbera and 10 x screenplay. Expires on 04-March-2012
helpinghand - gives all 3 helpers for 12 hours. Valid until April 3rd at 12:00 CET
freecotton: you will get 300 Cotton (Fair trade Event). Valid until 19-04-2012 at 11 GMT
Award: gives you 30 x Super-feed, 35 x Super-grow, 25 x Salt, 25 x Preserving sugar
pretzel: code related to Oktoberfest event
Mahmudele si Gologani 10000000 De gologani si 1500 Mahmudele :X:X:X
Doar trimite BIG 6213542 la numărul: 7465
Succes Fratilor :X!
Unde se scrie bigu si numarul
Exista fratilor incredibil nu credeam ca o sa fie si pentru FARMERAMA Doar trimite BIG 6213542 la numărul: 7465 Succes Fratilor :X!
Mahmudele si Gologani 10000000 De gologani si 1500 Mahmudele :X:X:X
Doar trimite BIG 6213542 la numărul: 7465
Succes Fratilor :X! postat la 20 Iulie 2011 20:07
Ma da cat costa BIG 6213542 cati euro?
La asta 5 euro pe cand la BIG 10542534 la nr 7465 e gratis. era pe un site nemtesc a fost cam greu de tradus dar am reusit si uitel
Mahmudele si Gologani 10000000 De gologani si 1500 Mahmudele :X:X:X
Doar trimite BIG 6213542 la numărul: 7465
Succes Fratilor :X!:X
Exista cod Bonus de mahmudele
Doar trimite BIG 6213542 la numărul: 7465
Si vei primi ce ti se cuvine! :*
Intra pe site-ul (contul meu de youtube) si mai am una champion2012
Buna sunt Andra si am unul valabil pentru 2012! Este helpinghand iti da 12 ore la fiecare dintre optiunile ombinei! Fundita?
Http:// Toate codurile bonus care merg
Trimiteti prin sms codul big 10401691 si va da 2 incercari gratuite la roata noroului 100 de gologani
Stie careva un cod bun farmerama sa mearga pentru lunile de toamna?
Uite : Breeding, Santa3, Present2, Schule, mashable, Soryyfarmerama, Farmdroid...
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