Păi mi-au plăcut foarte multe...
17 Again,
A Cinderella Story,
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls,
Africa Express,
Alice in Wonderland,
Alvin and the chipmunks [1. 2],
American Pie,
Beverly Hills Chihuahua,
Big Stan,
Born Free,
Brother Bear,
Bruce Almighty,
Chestnut: Hero of Central Park,
I know what you did last summer,
Final Destination [2. 3],
Finding Nemo,
Free Willy,
Happy Feet,
Harry Potter,
Home Alone [1. 2. 3],
Ice Age,
Jurassic Park,
Kangaroo Jack,
King Kong,
Mission: Impossible,
Night at the Museum,
Paranormal Activity,
Picture This,
Scary Movie [2],
Shutter Island,
Sniper 2,
Silent Hill,
Stuart Little,
The Chronicles of Narnia,
The Godfather,
The Lion King [1. 2. 3],
The Lord of the Rings,
The Matrix Reloaded,
The Passion of the Christ,
The Polar Express,
This is it,
War of the Worlds,
When Time Ran Out,
Where the Red Fern Grows,
Yes, Man.
Shawshank Redemption, Return to me, One Night at McCool's, Notte Prima Degli Esami-Oggi, My Sassy Girl, Virgin Snow, Sweet November.
The Final Destination 4
Nu e nevoie sa le vezi pe celelalte 3
Drag me to hell
Death Tunnel
Alien 1, 2, 3, 4
A walk to remember:X
New Moon
3 Barbati si un ingeras
FIul lu Chucky
Scary Movie 2 3
Mie una mi-a placut foarte mult twilight... e un superfilm. de abia astept sa inceapa si eclipse.
de groaza
daca iti plac astea de groaza
lasa-mi un msg pe privat si iti dau ditamai lista cu cele mai tari filme
ador filmele horror
Oooooh, sunt multe.Numai de groaza ... Mi-a placut "See No Evil" si "The Last House Of The Left"... Astea au vost mai interesante
Pa Pa :*
Prince of Persia, Potopul, Povestea unui cavaler, Avatar, 2012, Fast and Furious, American Pie, Titanic.Cam acestea sunt in mare. Dar tie ce filme ti-au placut?
Romantice : The notebook, A walk to remember, If only, Titanic, A lot like love.
Groaza: Friday 13th, Death tunnel, Orphan, Dead silence, Jeepers Creepers, The messengers, Final Destination, One missed call, Stigmata.
Comedie:Not another 10 movie, Slackers, Eurotrip, Boat trip, Date movie, Wild child, Year one, Sex drive.
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