Scary movie-horror
drag me to hell-horoor
black sheep-horror
casa celo 13 fantome-horror
litlle robbers-comedie
date night-comedie
leap year-comedie
ghost town-comedie
death at a funeral-comedie
when in rome-comedie
the bounty haunter-comedie
big daddy-comedie
kiss me kill me-comedie
bunny and the bull-comedie
Toate filme care ti-le dau is 2010 comice:Killers, sex and city 2, the A-Team, The Back-Up Plan, She's Out of My League.
Filme de groaza ar fi:
-Black Christmas
-Bloody Mary- si iti spun eu ca nu ai tupeu sa te uiti
Si comedii ar fi:
-American Pie
-When in Rome
-Big Momma's House
-The Last American Virgin
-50 First Dates
-Bad boys.
Sper sa iti fi fost de folos>:d
Casa celor 13 fantome
Castelul Bantuit
In pat cu vampirul
Scarry movie
Survial of the dead
Comedie:sejur cu surprize. not another teen movie. date the parents.american pie.[toate 7].st.trinian's.all about steve.american virgin.
de groaza:dead silence.the mai prea ma sperie:-s. sper ca sunt bune
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