Courage the Cowardly Dog (1999)
The Descent: Part 2 (2009)
The Walking Dead (2010)
The Devil's Advocate - Pact cu Diavolul (1997)
Supernatural (2005)
Aliens (1986)
The X Files - Dosarele X (1993)
Shutter (2004)
I Am Legend - Legenda vie (2007)
The Woman in Black (2012)
The Birds - Pasarile (1963)
Twin Peaks (1990)
Black Death (2010)
The Vampire Diaries (2009)
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles - Interviu cu un vampir: Cronicile Vampirilor (1994)
Constantine - Constantin (2005)
Sleepy Hollow - Legenda calaretului fara cap (1999)
Final Destination - Destinatie finala (2000)
Saw 7
Astea is suuper! Sper sa-ti placa!
0. 28 Weeks Later
9. Cube
8. A Nightmare On Elm Street
7. Scream
6. Friday the 13th
5. Halloween (originalul, desigur... urasc remake-urile)
4. The Mist
3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (e singurul film la care optez pentru remake in schimbul originalului)
2. Saw (nu e tocmai un horror, dar are si elemente)
1. HELLRAISER sau The Grudge
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