Sex Drive
Euro Trip
Boat Trip
Van Wilder 1, 2, 3
17 Again
American Highschool
Fired Up
The girl next door
Yes Man
I love you man
The proposal
The ring 1, 2, 3
One missed call 1, 2
The Grudge 1, 2, 3
Friday 13 th
Silent Hill
The Skeleton Key
The house of wax
si multe altele.
Filme care mie mi-au placut foarte mult: if only, a walk to remember, sweet november, hoe of wax, room 1408, what happens in vegas, just married, phone booth, he's just not that into you.
Depinde ce gusturi ai tu, si ce varsta aia mie imi plac astea:
Wild Child
A walk to remember
weekend cu mama
Lumina ochilor mei[film indian]
Ice age 1, 2, 3
si sunt mai multe dar nu imi vin pe limba acum
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