Buna! Poi imi plac filmele The grudge all; Anaconda all; Casa celor 13 fantome; Avatar; Twilight; New moon; Singur acasa all; Aquamarine; Intuneric total; Camerea 1408, saw all, american pie all [SI PE LOCUL 1 ESTE AMERICAN PIE ALL]
Filmele mele preferate sunt :
1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Notte prima degli esami - oggi
Sunt filme superbe si unice as spune eu.
Comediile, Met the Fockers, cu Ben Steeler ( nu stiu cit de corect am scris dar se intelege ce am vrut sa spun)
Imi plac filmele de aventura( Pulbere de stele) si cele horror:
Groaza inseamna oroare. Filme: Grudge 1, 2, 3, 4; Mirrors; Hora; Scream 1, 2, 3, 4; In dulap; Shutter; Orfana; Jocuri imaginare; Trupul lui Jennifer; Ultima casa pe stanga; Apel nepreluat; Paranormal activity; House; The unborn; The final destination; Drag me to hell; Legion; Ciuperci; Scary movie; The eye; Autopsy; The haunting in conecticut; Casa celor 13 fantome; Silent Hill; Satul; 1408; Transylmania; The box; The ruins; Jason x; Daybreaker; Pandorum; Amusement; Anaconda 3; 13 ore intr-un depozit; Gwoemul; Van helsing; Prom night; Blod and chocolate; Zombie strippes; Dorothy Mills; Gothika; The graves; The crazies; The final; Johan Hex; Altitude; Liberty; Cannibals; Denizen; House; First howl; Frost flowers; Psicho; Shelter; The summoning; Povesti de halloween; Knife edge; Clock Tower; Black Death; The cursed; Conan:Red nails; The horror vault 3; I, Lucifer. The Wolfman; Aftel dark; After life; Urban legends: Bloody mary; Hurt; Call of the hunter; Necrosis; Triangle; Imago mortis; Eulogy for a vampire; Zombie land; Vampiro; In a spiral state; Smash cut; Town creek; Phantom races; Halloween 2; A perfect getaway; Sororrity row; Carriers; Open graves; Cand fictiunea prinde viata; Boo; Eroare genetica; Carantina
Mie imi plac comediile si cele de dragoste iar filmul meu preferat este The Lake House
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