OMB is a three-letter abbreviation which may stand for:
Office of Management and Budget, a group that oversees the activities of federal agencies in the United States
Owner Managed Business, small and medium enterprises
Olympiade Mathématique Belge, the Belgian Mathematical Olympiad, a mathematical competition
Ontario Municipal Board, a tribunal involved in municipal and planning matters in the province of Ontario, Canada
Our Miss Brooks, an American situation comedy, starred Eve Arden
Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch, formerly Ocean Modeling Branch, a US weather & environment agency
Oregon Marching Band, the marching band for the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon, United States
OpenMicroBlogging, the standard that allows for micro-blogging services to interoperate
OMB, a graphic design studio founded by Oscar Mariné Brandi
Office of Management and Budget=Biroul de Management si Buget
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