Lol - Laugh Out Loud ( un fel de ras)
OMG - Oh my god ( oh, doamne!)
ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing (semnul '' )
MOTD - Message of the day (Mesajul zilei)
OMFG - Oh My Fu. ucking God ( oh, doamne)
BSOD - Blue Screen of Death ( Ecranul albastru )
LOL : Laugh out laud
OMG: Oh, my God
ROFL: Rolling On The Floor, Laughing
MOTD: Match Of The Day
OMFG: Oh, my fuckin' Gosh (urasc asta )
BSOD: Blue screen of death (un fel de mare prostie )
Lol=laugh out loud,
omg=oh my god,
rofl= roll on floor and laugh,
omfg= oh my fuckin' go d,
motd=match of the day
bsod=blue screen of death
wikipedia spune tot
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