Nu merge prea multe, de asta te asigur, fifa înainte de 2004 merge cred, şi sunt faine alea, ISS la fel (pesul de astăzi), gta I dacă ai noroc.astea sunt odată cu software-ul:
si pinball daca mai imi aduc aminte
Pai sunt multe.Cum ar fi:heretic, hexen, doom, duke nukem 3d, earthworm jim, nfs2, blood, heroes 1, 2, 3, starcraft, warcraft 2, age of empires 1, 2, dark reign, red alert 1, 2; Max-Payne 1.
Mortal kombat 4, duke nukem 3d, atomic bomberman, heretic, hexen, doom, duke nukem 3d, earthworm jim, nfs2, blood, heroes 1, 2, 3, starcraft, warcraft 2, age of empires 1, 2, dark reign, red alert 1, 2 etc
Cam orice joc 2D aparut pana prin '98.
Hitman 2 (depinde ce placa video are), Stronghold, Stronghold Crusader, Collin McRae 2, Serious Sam, Ghost recon, Football Manager 2005-2008, SimCity 3000, Mortal Kombat 4, Atomic Bomberman, Commandos 1&2, Icewind Dale 1&2, Homeworld, Baldur's Gate 1&2, Half Life + Blue Shift + Opposing force, Worms 1 + 2 + Armageddon, Europa Universalis 2, Hearts of Iron 2, Deus EX, Return to Castle Wolfenstein (depinde de placa video), Quake 2, Quake 3 (idem), Unreal 1+2, Unreal Tournament (idem), Fifa 99-2004, Black and White, Red Alert 2 + Yuri's Revenge, Fallout 1 + 2, Fallout Tactics, Diablo 1 + 2, Delta Force 2, Civilization 3, Age of Empires 1 + 2, Shogun Total War, Railroad Tycoon 2, Monkey Island 4, Tomb Raider 1 + 2 + 3, Planescape Torment, Cossaks, American Conquest, Nox, Jagged Alliance 2, Neighbours from Hell, Master of Orion toate, Patrician toate.
in mare ar trebui sa ii mearga cam toate din lista asta. eu am reusit sa rulez toate jocurile din lista pe un P2 cu 128 RAM si 32 video.
Sau nfs underground gta3
cs1.6 tony howk's pro scater cred ca merg toate pana la underground fifa 2005 este ultimul si pentru win 98 si multe altele... cauta jocul si dai o cautare pe sistem vez sistemul de operere compatibil
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