The Girl Next Door
Fired Up
High School Musical 1, 2, 3
Sex drive
Euro trip
Boat trip
Super bad
American Highschool
Another Cindrella Story
Not Another Teen Movie
Mean Girls
Bring It On
10 Things I Hate About You
What a Girl Wants
Wild Child
Normal Adolescent Behavior
The Heart of the Game
18 Year Old Virgin
My Mom's New Boyfriend
Tropic Thunder
The Hottie and the Nottie
Another Cinderella Story
Race to Witch Mountain
The Hangover
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
My Sassy Girl
Van Wilder: Freshman Year
Wai daca dai o bere iti zic eu niste filme care mi'au placut mie mult:What happens in Las Vegas, The Holiday, The new guy(asta ii foarte tare ), The Proposal, 18 year old virgin, 50 first dates, The girl next cam atat imi amintesc acum
P. S:Nu toate is cu adolescenti da merita vazute neaparat
Ten Things I Hate About You; Cody Banks; High School Musical 1, 2, 3; Camp Rock; Rush Hour 1, 2, 3 si House Of Wax parca
Film comedie cu studenti... incearca American Virgin, Van Wilder 1, 2, 3, binenteles.Road trip, College road trip, Accepted
Daca vrei studenti negri incerci How High.
Pai uitate la: Anul unu, 17 again, sex driver, haigh school musical 1, 2, 3
Vezi de high school musical, 17 again, twilight, sex drive (e foarte tare), brig it on, poate cody banks...toate sunt faine
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